Manhole Rehabilitation
Manhole Rehabilitation with OBIC Armor System
There are roughly 26 million manholes in the United States, all constructed in thousands of different combinations of sizes, shapes and materials. Despite their differences, many of these manholes have one thing in common. They are plagued with deterioration and corrosion caused by hydrogen sulfide or H2S.
Although these harsh environments are common in wastewater systems, they can begin to deteriorate the structure and cause inflow and infiltration issues. This became a major problem for cash-strapped municipalities that didn’t have the budget for expensive manhole replacements. Fortunately, advancements in polyurea technology introduced the more affordable option of manhole rehabilitation. These powerful before-and-after photos show the final stage of real projects using the OBIC Armor system.
What is the OBIC Armor System?
To rehabilitate manholes with minimal to severe deterioration, ART uses the OBIC Armor system. OBIC Armor provides a fast, easy, and cost-effective method for repairing and preventing damage to municipal and industrial sewers, as well as potable water systems. The spray-applied OBIC 1000 (flexible polyurea) cures quickly, making it an ideal choice for rehabilitation projects. OBIC Armor is a multi-layer lining system, consisting of OBIC 1306 (closed cell foam) sandwiched between two layers of OBIC 1000.

Once we arrive on the project site and completes all safety-related tasks, the following steps are followed:
1. The structure is prepped using high pressure water.
2. The manhole frame is cleaned and primer is applied.
3. All leaks are stopped.
4. The structure is dried to a saturation of surface dry. This is
accomplished when you can touch the structure wall and once
you pull it away there is no moisture on your hand.
5. Then, the Adhesion Layer is applied. This is the first coat of
OBIC 1000 and is applied at a thickness of 50 mils. This layer
is attached to the bottom portion of the manhole casting to
provide a monolithic liner system.
6. Next, the Surfacing Layer is applied. This is the OBIC 1306
(closed cell foam) and the layer is about 400 mils thick.
7. The OBIC Armor System is completed by applying
the Final Barrier Layer of OBIC 1000 at a wet
film thickness of 50 mils. The complete OBIC Armor
lining system is approximately 500 mils thick (1/2”).
8. The final step of the process is validating the
installation by stamping both the date of the liner
installation and the OBIC logo into the liner. The
10-year warranty starts from this date and there is
never a question as to when the liner was installed.
Benefits of OBIC Armor System:
- OBIC Armor is designed to provide structural reinforcement to deteriorating manholes, restoring the integrity and preventing further damage.
- It offers excellent resistance to chemical corrosion, it is impervious to H2S, protecting manholes from the harsh and corrosive elements found in wastewater systems.
- OBIC Armor has a fast-curing process, allowing for quick return to service, minimizing disruptions in the wastewater system. OBIC 1000 is tack-free in 20-30 seconds.
- It can be applied in relatively thick layers, ensuring a robust protective barrier and effectively sealing cracks and defects in the manhole structure.
- The coating forms a strong bond with the existing manhole substrate, ensuring long-term adhesion and durability.
- OBIC Armor seals joints, cracks, and defects in manholes, reducing the risk of water infiltration and exfiltration, which can be environmentally and economically problematic.
- It has a 50-year design life.
- OBIC Armor is backed by a 10-year warranty on BOTH the material AND Installation.
Schedule a Demo!
If you are interested in learning more about the manhole rehabilitation process, ART offers product demonstrations that can be conducted in an optional lunch and learn format. Anyone interested in learning more about ART and the benefits of OBIC products is welcome to attend. All we need from you is a location and a manhole no deeper than 8-9’ for the demonstration, and we will provide the refreshments.
Contact us for more information or to schedule a free product demonstration.