You’ve heard of manhole rehabilitation, but what does a manhole rehab company actually do? The short answer is – a lot! Advanced Rehabilitation Technology (ART) is a leader in the manhole rehab industry. Since the company started in 2007, we’ve expanded our service offering beyond manhole repairs to include water treatment systems, wet wells and tank linings, potable water storage basins, culvert lining installations, bridge deck waterproofing, and stormwater culverts. In addition, to wastewater system rehab, we also offer solutions for industrial and manufacturing facilities.

As an OBIC-certified installer, we’re able to provide the most comprehensive solutions and services in the industry! One of our main priorities is to help municipalities bring aging and deteriorated utility structures back to peak operating levels. This means they’ll spend less money to increase the service life by an average of 50 years or longer – a stat we’re very proud of!

To learn more about what a company like ours does, watch this video to see us in action!

Advanced Rehabilitation Technology – Manhole Repairs and More